A Website’s Basic Function is to Generate Calls, Emails or Sales

All of our websites are bespoke designs- designed specifically for each of our clients, with no templates and no boundaries to our creativity. This allows us to deliver an aspirational, first class finish which separates you from the crowd and the competition.

A website is quite often your business shop window and sales tool and you only get one chance to make an impression.

All of our websites are built using WordPress and include a full CMS which allows you to quickly edit and amend without compromising on design.

  • Look Good

    Website Design that is easy to understand, inspirational and stands out from your competitors.

  • Instil Trust

    Users will be visiting lots of websites. A non-confusing site with all the information to hand will ensure people stay on your website and explore further.

  • Easy to Use – Keep Your Visitors

    A simple menu to provide understandable navigation through the web pages will ensure you lead your user to the place they need to be – to contact or buy from you.


Business Website Design

  • Eye Catching Website Design

    Website is a service menu for all SME companies, Its help you to present your business to users in a creative way.

  • Link the relevent

    By linking relevant information to another it backs up your product or service and instils trust. Select a product>show other similar products. Select a service>show a testimonial or company history to back up your ability to provide the service they require.

  • Limit the Choice

    Try to compartmentalise what you are offering the customer. This way there’s less clicks for them to go through to reach their and your goal.

  • Simple Informative Headings

    This will attract the eye to the areas you want the user to see. Helping the guiding process to the goal of a response.

  • Search Engine Friendly Text

    The content should include the search phrases your potential clients are searching for so as to attract them to your site. This applies to headings, the main body of text and metadata. It needs to be written in a way to make it readable too, not just a list of phrases.

  • Tell It Like It Is

    There’s no point in being something you’re not. Your website should be representative of what you do so when you get the call, you deliver.



Our vertical solutions expertise allows your business to streamline workflow, and increase productivity. No matter the business, NanoSoft has you covered with industry compliant solutions, customized to your company’s specific needs.

Why Choose Us

Business Websites Designed To Make Your Business Grow

Our team of SME Business Hub offer a wealth of experience to every project they work on. We have staff that specialise in every area needed to ensure our customers always receive a successful business website.

We have web developers that are up to scratch on all the latest developments in web coding languages. Designers that stay on the cutting edge of website design trends to ensure your website looks modern for many years to come. And online marketers to make sure your website performs highly online.

In 2022 and beyond, your website needs to be easy to use, easy to find and be easy for people to contact you from. This is why we follow World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) best practices to a tee when developing websites and make all sitewide decisions based around search engine optimisation.

SEO Optimised Website Code For Best Results Online

One of the most sought-after skills in the web design industry is search engine optimisation. Everybody wants a website that ranks highly in Google, but not many people get them. This is because many companies prioritise the wrong tasks when it comes to SEO.

At Footsteps Design Ltd, we specialise in search engine optimisation and have had some incredibly impressive results with SEO campaigns. You can learn more about the SEO success we have had for clients by visiting our SEO services page.

Through our vast amount of experience in search engine optimisation, you can guarantee that your website will be built with search engine performance in mind. This is achieved by following the best practices set by Google and coding websites in a way that is easy for search engines (and people!) to understand.

Mobile Friendly Web Design

We are industry leaders in mobile friendly web design and can create websites that perform as good on mobiles as they do on desktops!

This is because we believe mobile device usage to be as important (if not more important!) than desktop usage. Why do we believe this? Well because during the past 3 years, our Google Analytics data across hundreds of client websites tells us that more people are visiting business websites on mobile devices like phones and tablets than they are desktop computers.

And what’s more, Google even penalises websites that do not render nicely on mobile devices!

You Can Easily Make Updates To Your Website Yourself

We utilise industry leading CMS software to allow our customers full control over what their website says. You can log into your website at any time of the day and make updates to your web pages for free.

This is achieved by integrating either WordPress or Joomla software into your website, depending on your business’ requirements.

You can also add pages, images, blogs and more all at the click of a button. You’ll be able to log into your website from anywhere in the world, on any device and make live changes there and then.

And the best part? Because we develop websites in the 2 top systems in the world, your website is being built for growth. Because as your business grows and your website requires more functionality, you can build right and what you got. This includes integrating an eCommerce system or membership capabilities. Whatever it is you need for your business, we can build it.

Get In Contact With Our  Web Design Team Today

So if you’re looking for a SME Business Hub web design company to design and develop you a business website that will make you stand out above your competitors for many years to come, get in touch with our friendly team today. We have web design packages starting from £177 and can do everything from small business web design, to fully integrated eCommerce websites.

Get a free quote on your web design project today by calling us on(+44) 7484507874  or submit your details into our form below. Phone lines are open 9am – 5pm, Monday – Saturday. We look forward to speaking to you soon!

How It Works


Please contact our team or complete the form below. A representative will contact you shortly.

  • Let’s Talk

    We’ll chat about your business, how you use technology, and what you want to get out of IT.

  • Choose Your Plan

    If we’re the right fit, you’ll choose the IT service agreement that works best for your organization.

  • Start Your IT Experience

    Within days, you’ll be experiencing IT like never before.